DFP HEAD New Recipes : Puff Pastry Berries & Cream Tarts | #recipes

New Recipes : Puff Pastry Berries & Cream Tarts

Fourth of July is just around the corner and I’ve got just the perfect puff pastry dessert to entertain your crowd! It’s relatively easy to make and boy does it look impressive! If you can cut out circles with a cookie cutter & push on the pastry bag to get the cream out, you’ve got all the skills needed to make this Puff Pastry Dessert!

Puff Pastry Dessert is the way to go!
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you probably know that I love working with frozen puff pastry. It’s easy to use, quick to bake, the variation of how you can use it are pretty much limitless and you can have something to go with your tea in as little as 15 minutes. Seriously, how much better can it get?

The making of these delicious fruit tarts!
This past Saturday my dad was ordained to be a deacon at our church and he was also in charge of making the dinner to celebrate the occasion. While he was working on his savory dishes, I was to make something for dessert. My mom threw the idea of using puff pastry, some sort of cream and berries to make individual pastrie tarts. It was up to me to bring it all together in something that would taste & look good. With a good helping crew, whose hands you will see all throughout the step-by-step pictures, we mastered these babies in no time! So let’s get to it!


  • 2 sheets of Puff pastry

Egg wash:

  • 1 Egg
  • Sugar granulated, to sprinkle on top
  • Chantilly Cream
  • 2 cups Heavy Cream
  • 1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract
  • 2/3 cup Sugar granulated
  • Ganache
  • 1/2 cup Dark or Milk Chocolate
  • 1/2 cup Heavy Cream


  • Raspberries Blueberries
  • Mint leaves optional
  • Sugar powdered (decoration)
  • Special Equipment
  • 3 inch circle cookie cutter
  • 2 inch circle cookie cutter
  • Puff pastry bag or a gallon sized zip-lock bag
  • Star tip optional
  • Zip-lock bag sandwich size


  1. Thaw puff pastry on the counter, then put one sheet on top of the other and press the two together by rolling gently with a rolling pin until about 12x16 inches in size. Do not flour in between. Doubling the sheets will produce higher borders on the tarts. Cut out circles with a 3 inch cookie cutter. Try to cut them out as close as possible, leaving minimal amount of scraps in between.
  2. Remove scraps to a different aluminum or parchment lined baking sheet. Move each cut out circle about 1 inch from each other. Using a 2 inch cookie cutter, press it in the middle of the circle, almost all the way through.
  3. ...........................................

for full recipes please see : etthebakingbegin.com

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